R & D Statement
Tosas became a leading bitumen supplying company by always keeping abreast of the latest technological developments and also by continuously researching and developing new products. This policy remains unchanged and in fact is being re-prioritized under the new management of Tosas to ensure that not only the latest and best products can be offered to customers but also to ensure that the South African and other road owners can benefit from maximum life-cycle benefits that arise from using the most appropriate and latest technologies.
As such Tosas also recently acquired the services of one of the top specialists in the country with regards to PG Grading of bitumen and then also entered into an agreement with a large oil company to be able to research and prepare for when the South African industry changes over to a PG Grading system as in the USA. This research will not only be beneficial for Tosas but for the roads industry as a whole.
Tosas is also continuously researching products that are available under license from other countries. The technical team at Tosas is well respected in the South African Roads industry and members of that team are present in a wide range of research and specification committees where new standards are set and published.